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Santiago de Chile, Native, Musician/Guitarist Sergio Villegas Plays Music for The World!
Interview by: Gina Sedman
Hi Sergio, when did you get started in the business? I am Sergio Villegas, originally from Santiago, Chile. I started my professional music journey at the age of 14 years after I graduated from the music conservatory, where I was from the age of 5 years old.
What is the primary instrument that you play? My primary instrument is the guitar, but my first instrument was the Accordion. I play Latin percussion, pan flute, charango, and more than 15 instruments.
What do you like about being a musician? It is positive to be a musician because you can reach so many people and bring them happiness even for four minutes.
What do you find most challenging about being a musician? The challenge never ends studying, learning, and trying to be updated with modern technology.
How would you describe the type of music you play? My type of music is world music.
What other instruments do you play? I play over ten instruments and cover assorted styles, including classic, Brazilian, pop, flamenco, Latin, etc. I do not have a specific group because I play with various bands, but I also play as a solo artist; I am part of the Evaros band. Also, I perform with my Wife, Lisa, a drummer, and Latin percussionist. People love my music.
What do people find unique about you as an artist? I have many compliments daily because I can read the crowd and transport this moment to a memorable musical trip.
Who is your favorite independent artist? My favorite independent artist is Sajama music from the Andes.
Who is your musical influence? My musical influences are Paco de Lucia, Johann Strauss, and Kunzas.
How do you prepare yourself for a show? I prepare myself for a show by concentrating on doing my best. No matter how many people show up, always respect the audience.
To date, how many albums have you recorded? I recorded over 50 albums with different artists worldwide, including my recent album, "Sergio 7801," all instrumental in guitar. And most of the specially requested songs that people ask me to play.
How can people reach you who want to know more about what you do? Also, they can contact me or go to my website. I perform daily, but people can see me at Sammy G’s on Sundays from 6 pm. Tequila's old town, La Quinta, Mondays at 5:30 and Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Trilussa at 5:30 pm. I have some internationals as well.
What advice would you give to up-and-coming musicians? I always tell the new musicians that this is like any other job: be responsible, never do drugs or alcohol, and always do your best because you will have the most incredible life experience. You will make many people happy; you must love what you do. Being an artist is a gift from God. Use this power that you must bless others, and your heart and soul will be full of joy.
Thank you so kindly for your time. I pray for God's blessings and protection over your and your family's life.
Disclaimer: The Bible scriptures posted below by The Indie Post, taken from The New American Standard Version Bible Verse, are not the words of the above interviewee.
"John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him."
"Romans 10:9-13 9 [f]that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, [g]resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, [h]resulting in salvation.
11 For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE [i]PUT TO SHAME.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13for “EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.”