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Marcus Lantero, Italian Actor & TV Host From Chicago, Has Some Excellent Advice For Aspiring Actors!
Interview by: Gina Sedman
The Coachella Valley's best-kept secret is award-winning actor Marcus Lantero. It is incredible how much talent this desert gem possesses. It seems likely that this multi-film star will become a household name in the near future.
Even though his Italian heritage and good looks seem to cast him into mafia-type roles naturally, he is a highly versatile actor in his own right. He is an accomplished actor who has shown great versatility in both serious and comedic roles. Marcus is a model for the multi-talented, having excelled in film, commercials, television, and talk shows.
In addition, Marcus has a beautiful voice and can play music like the best of them. I call this outstanding, talented actor; my big brother shared what he has learned over the years about his career and talent.
Hi Marcus, How is your day going? It's excellent, thank you.
You're welcome. Could you please tell me a little about your background? Can you tell me about your background and how you got to where you are today? I grew up in an Italian family in a small Chicago suburb as a child. My mother insisted on me taking dance lessons and music classes. Not only did I play the trumpet, but I also got into modeling. I was introduced to the movie industry through acting auditions and other activities.
I took theater and acting at Northern Illinois College. As a teenager, I would visit my uncle in Hollywood in the summers. That experience ignited the fire of determination inside me to someday move to southern California to follow that dream. It is because of that dream that I live in California today.
Your close peers even call you Hollywood. Yes, that's true.
Awesome! Out of all the things you could have chosen, why did you choose a career in acting? Growing up, I enjoyed watching TV and movies. Since my imagination was so active, I would interject myself into the roles. Whenever I watched a show or actor I liked, I had a knack for remembering all kinds of details. I still remember all types of trivia from television and movies.
Why acting? What intrigues you about it? I have always been drawn to "re-creating" myself into other characters. I'm also fascinated by the challenges in taking on a role. It is our job as actors to tap into the emotions of a character's personality and try to relate that to our own experience. To tell the story or add to it, we must physically reach inward and pull that emotion to the surface.
When preparing for a role, what steps do you take? It is essential to read the script, but it is even more important to talk to the producer and writer to understand their vision for the movie and how I can fulfill that role. Furthermore, it is crucial to discover what kind of energy and emotion they envision, coupled with what the actor can offer.
Which role has been your favorite to date? It isn't easy to choose just one favorite. Among the roles I enjoyed was one produced by Gina Carey Films called Acts Of Kindness. It was fun to play the comedic role of an Italian neighbor. I enjoyed it because it reminded me of my childhood extended family.
My favorite role in a TV series was a sitcom called "Mark's Place," where I played the lead role of "Mark," an Italian gangster relocated by witness protection in the Palm Springs desert as an Irish Pub Owner. He was not very successful at changing his ways. Hmmm, I see a pattern here!
What type of roles do you enjoy playing? My favorite parts to play are comedic films, but I hope to have the opportunity to star in a Western movie one day.
What type of role would you never play? I'm not too fond of Horror films because of their evil elements. This world has too much darkness in it. I believe entertainment should be positive, informative, and enlightening.
So Marcus, what films have you appeared in? I have had excellent opportunities to be in six Indie Films written and produced by Gina Carey Films. I owe so much of my career to you, Gina. You have inspired, encouraged, promoted, and welcomed me into your talented world of light. The most significant gift is that we have become family.
2017 - 2020 / Assumptions, One Year Pact, Rose England, Acts Of Kindness, Star Connection, Billy Jones.
When it comes to acting in films, what were your misconceptions? Memorizing lines is much harder than many people realize. It is always possible to "improve." However, all actors must be able to react to a specific conversation of the dialog, so having your lines correct is extremely important.
What does it take to make it in the film industry? There is not a direct answer to that question. The film industry is fickle, so count on not counting on it. However, the more professional you conduct yourself, respect everyone's time, and are prepared consistently, you will be noticed and appreciated. To sum it up, I would say "tenacity."
absolute limits will go or not? Ethical boundaries are the foundation of who you are as a person in any field. You will always benefit when you are true to who you are and what you know to be correct.
How was your first experience on set? Arriving at a set was an exciting experience. There were lights, cameras, and the hustle and bustle of everything being prepared for the shooting. I enjoyed the professionalism of the cast and crew, so much fun. After that fantastic experience, I knew I wanted to keep performing in this field.
Do you see yourself acting for the rest of your life? As long as the Lord blesses me with days, I hope to continue acting. Films need us old guys too!
Has your love for acting increased or decreased through the years? Why? My passion for acting increases with every project and episode. There are moments of disappointment when promises of good intentions and timelines, assignments, etc., do not come to fruition. Films are often about hurrying up and waiting. You have to keep on keeping on!
What aspect of being an actor is the most rewarding, and what part would you find the most challenging? An actor's greatest reward is seeing the audience's reaction to the character's emotions or actions. In my professional experience, bringing my "A" game to each role or set is challenging. Self-criticism tends to be harsher than that of others.
Why is that? My knowledge of my potential probably contributes to my hesitation.
Do you have any plans for your acting career in the future? Are there any actors or directors you must work with before retiring from acting? I hope my acting career will continue to grow as my skills and relationships enable me to participate in the industry. Since Richard Gere and I look very similar, I would love to meet or work with him. Also, I would love to work in a Martin Scorsese film as an actor. Even a "meet and greet" with him would be unforgettable!
What do you feel are the positive and negative aspects of becoming a union actor? As a SAG/AFTRA actor, I am serious about my career. However, it is imperative to note that there are many opportunities for "non-union" roles. The limitations and benefits of each apply to both actors, but I don't think they define you so much as actors.
Have you ever produced your film and if yes, tell me about it? Because I prefer being on the lens side of the camera, I have never created a film. (laughs)
What's next for you? I am happy to announce that I have been hosting a weekly variety show in Palm Springs for over a year with Tony Pomponio called "The Mark & Tony Show." During the past year, the show has evolved to a live taping at "Oscars" in downtown Palm Springs. Our audience enjoys beverages and food for about an hour each week while watching our guests and performers. This year has been filled with exciting guests, and their experiences have been very positive. We all have a lot of fun. Before the end of this year, we hope to expand our TV broadcast area beyond the Palm Springs desert area. We are on "The Mark and Tony Show" and the local cable Fox 11 on Thursdays at 1:00 PM following the local news.
We plan to continue developing the show and our guest performers until then. Nonetheless, I would like to be a part of another film project. There is also talk of re-editing for TV and expanding the "Marks Place" sitcom where Tony Pomponio and I first paired up.
What would it be if you could advise someone starting in the movie industry? Our variety show has allowed me to meet actors, athletes, singers, comedians, writers, and many others. The world is full of gifted individuals, both young and old. It has been a privilege to meet not only superstars and performers but young kids who are just beginning their careers as well. Despite all this gray hair, I'm still a newcomer to the industry as a "starving actor" and haven't quit my day job yet! Advising on how to get started from someone who is "still getting started" himself in this industry is a "hands-on" reflection. It is essential to be prepared, on time, respectful, and flexible in all aspects of your business, but you must do so while remaining true to yourself and knowing your limits.
All photos are courtesy of Marcus Lantero
Marcus Lanter Website: Home | Mysite (
LA Casting / Casting network: Casting Networks
Disclaimer: The Bible scriptures posted below by The Indie Post, taken from The New American Standard Version Bible Verse, are not the words of the above interviewee.
"John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him."
"Romans 10:9-13 9 [f]that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, [g]resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, [h]resulting in salvation.
11 For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE [i]PUT TO SHAME.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13for “EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.”