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Award-Winning Children’s Book Author, Mentor & Actor, "Jason Paul" Lands Leading Film Role!
Interview by: Gina Sedman
Jason is down-to-earth, real, and humble. I enjoyed our conversation! What a beautiful person! I was truly inspired by this amazing man! He has a heart of gold and thinks about others before himself. Because of his journey, he is truly sensitive and compassionate to those who are less fortunate than himself and who need an extra push of encouragement. He's a giver! Also, he's currently been working on some big-budget projects as well as booking his first lead in a film shooting in 2022. Because of this amazingness, I wanted to know more about him and his journey. This is what he shared with me.
Jason, tell me about yourself. My name is Jason Paul. I am the owner and creator of Jason Paul LLC. I am an actor, author, and retired restaurant dude (chef/sommelier)- in all honesty, I am a simple dude with a creative mind.
So, how did you get started in the entertainment business? I don't think there's such a thing as a brief history, do you? Personally, I have dedicated myself to perfecting my craft and I find joy in being part of other people's journeys. I strongly believe in embracing others' journeys as it enriches my ability to express myself through writing and storytelling. To have a fulfilling journey in your own life, you need to be a cheerleader for others. To be honest, I stumbled upon acting and entertainment by chance.
So, Jason tells me about a moment that you'll never forget. When I was in grade school, I participated in a live performance of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. During the play, I froze up and couldn't remember my lines. I kept repeating them over and over again, and then I grabbed the deck of cards (a prop), threw it down, and let out a loud "Ah!". Fortunately, someone had my back and covered up for me, making it seem like it was part of the show. The audience loved it! The most exciting part of the performance was when the "Oompa Loompas" came on stage with real candy on the trees, which we got to eat.
What was your most challenging moment and tell me about any opposition you’ve encountered on your career journey? There is no right or wrong way to gain success in this industry. For example, if you want to become a doctor, you complete a four-year degree, go to medical school, do a residency, and you are now a doctor. In the entertainment field, for some reason, there is no definitive roadmap for success.
Who are your influences and what was/is your motivation? Hands down, the G.O.A.T, Michael Jordan himself. The dude was and still is a fierce competitor. I may not always be the most talented in the room, but I will outwork you. My motivation is to be the best and work tirelessly at perfecting my craft. My motivation is to listen, learn, and embrace criticism to allow me to make myself better. I seek this platform not for fame or fortune, but for all those individuals who were told they cannot make it, regardless of the field. I want to inspire individuals no matter their age, race, or socioeconomic status, that the power of your mind is your greatest asset.
What compromises have you had to make regarding your career choice? What compromises haven’t I made? The truth? I have not lived a normal life as though I chose a 9-5 career path. There is no magic formula that ultimately defines success in this field. There have been times when I was flat-broke. There were times when I gave up seven years of acting to work 80+ hours a week to raise my daughter. I have sacrificed stability and relationships with others who did not align with my vision. Through all of this, here is what I did learn: you need to believe in yourself.
Do you consider yourself a role model to this younger generation? If so, how? I can inspire others significantly. I believe that my God-given talent is to inspire others to use the power of the mind. It does not matter how old you are…at the end of the day, you need to measure your success based on what makes your heartbeat. When you write your music before you go to bed, you need to be able to write your song. I believe I can help others hear their songs.
Have you ever had to compromise your moral values for success and what are your boundaries? Do you want an honest answer? Yes, in my early 20’s while in LA…without giving too many details…. haven’t we all? With that being said, I will never shy away from my mistakes or my failures. What I have learned later in life is that the only way to obtain pure happiness and success is to bury your past and use your failures as stepping stones for your future. My boundaries today are to trust in Him and allow Him to lead me down the path. I know to look at humans past their physicality, and technicalities, and past what can they do for me. Instead, I look at them to embrace them with nothing but the best intentions, with hugs, with inspiration, with love, and with encouragement. It took me a long time to grasp this concept of life.
What are some of the life lessons you have learned while in pursuit of your lifelong dreams? Dare to be different. Embrace your quirkiness. Not everyone belongs in corporate America. Stop looking at people as to what can they do for your mentality. Instead, seek to say what can I do for them.
How has COVID-19 positively affected your career? Absolutely. I had my best year throughout Covid. It took me back to the drawing board. I had time with my family. I left the restaurant business. I had time for myself. And the rest….I am rewriting my history.
Tell us about your current and future projects. I started the Creative Mind Foundation, a mentor program for our youth. I published an award-winning children’s book which is currently in animation development. I booked a role in an Emmy Award-winning production. I booked a recurring role in Vindication Season 2 and Washington’s Armor. I am training on horseback for that role. Watch out…I am just putting it out there…cowboy J is coming to town. We have a film that is on the film circuit currently. We are putting the finishing touches on a feature called Broken, (investment opportunities) Also, I am currently teaming up on another project in which I am co-producing. I booked a co-lead shooting in October. I am in conversation right now regarding a new pilot. In the meantime, I started book two and mentorship of book 3.
What steps do you have to take to reach your greatest potential? Never stop believing or stop working on your craft. Take constructive criticism and don’t be afraid to look in the mirror.
What advice would you like to give those traveling in the same direction as yourself? I am going to end this on a very simple note, "know who you are when your head hits that pillow at night".
Ok, so I have a senseless fun question for you. How do you make your funky P Funk when you want to get funked up?
Do not attempt to adjust your radio, there is nothing wrong We have taken control to bring you this special show... I am about to sing because it's my Funky Show. The Journey of my P Funk is my willingness to let go of all of my trials to tribulations. I strive to find my inner light. Question? Will you dance to your Funky P Funk? Then do it every night! Live love and laugh. That's how I make my Funky P funk when I want to get funked up! Nobody puts a baby in the corner.! Nobody! My funky p funk is my special friend. I call upon my p funk when my days never end. Through the good and bad times. My Funky P Funk never lets me be sad. Through the Do's and Dont's, My life's journey is all about the P Funk.
To learn more about Jason Paul, visit his website at
Disclaimer: The Bible scriptures posted below by The Indie Post, taken from The New American Standard Version Bible Verse, are not the words of the above interviewee.
"John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him."
"Romans 10:9-13 9 [f]that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, [g]resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, [h]resulting in salvation.
11 For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE [i]PUT TO SHAME.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13for “EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.”