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Modena, Italy Pianist and Composer, Andrea Cappi, and Bandmate Francesco Mascolo of  "Varv" Are Harmonizing Genres and Cultivating Soundscapes - A Journey Through Jazz, Electronica, and Progressive Rock. 




Varv, the eclectic duo of Andrea Cappi on keyboards and Francesco Mascolo on drums, reimagines the boundaries of jazz, transforming its classic elements into a groundbreaking blend of electronic and progressive music. Their compositions conjure up visions of dystopian landscapes, weaving together structured passages with moments of improvisation and innovative sound manipulation. 


Their debut album, "Lowlands," serves as an auditory journey, exploring the complex interplay between humans and the earth—a repository of history and a fertile ground for future creativity. This album is a bold experiment in timbral diversity and genre fusion. 


The album kicks-off with "Drizzle," a track characterized by its frenetic rhythmic chord progressions that morph and evolve, creating an impactful groove that disintegrates before re-emerging triumphantly. This piece perfectly encapsulates the duo's dynamic and ever-changing musical foundation. 


"All Fulness" introduces a more lyrical atmosphere, with Matteo Pontegavelli's trumpet adding new shades and leading the music into abstract, uncharted territories. "Permeability," Varv’s inaugural single from 2022, and "Childhood," a tender ballad, evoke a nostalgic sense of carefree youth. 


"Limestone" builds upon a simple chord progression that gradually transforms, allowing listeners to immerse themselves in minimalistic timbral variations before erupting into a powerful second half driven by intense drumming. "White Kitten" is the album's most avant-garde piece, featuring an intricate dialogue of sound alterations and synthesizer sequences, balancing chaos with tranquility. 


"Ready Arteries" features saxophonist Daniele Nasi, whose performance intertwines with keyboard riffs and drum breaks, pushing the album towards a dance music frontier. The closing track, "Kings of Weno," offers a rock-inspired melody that tells the story of a frantic escape from urban life to a distant Pacific Island. Released on May 24, 2024, "Lowlands" is a testament to Varv's innovative approach to music. I had the opportunity to speak with one of the duo, Andrea Cappi about his new music, here’s what he shared.  



Hello, how are you? Fine, thanks. And you? 


I'm wonderful! Thank you! It is truly an honor to meet you and speak with you today. Nice to meet you too. 


Awesome! Let’s jump right in. I want to speak with you about your musical journey, but first, let me ask you, where are you originally from and where are you currently residing? I am from Modena, a city in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy. Located between the Secchia and Panaro rivers, it lies northwest of Bologna. I still live there today. 


I'm sure it's beautiful there. So, let's talk about your music. When did you first know that you loved music and it was something that you wanted to do for a living? I started listening to music at the age of 8 or 10 years old. Then, I began playing piano in a private school. Around the age of 15 or 16, I started listening to more jazz music, inspired by classical jazz artists like Miles Davis and Thelonious Monk. 


My father used to listen to a lot of this kind of music, and then I started studying piano in a jazz school. I began studying harmony and understanding what chords were used to create that sound. 


At the age of 20, I started my degree at Parma Conservatory, which is another city between Modena and Milan. 


Thank you. That's wonderful! Now, your music combines elements of jazz, electronica, and progressive rock. How do you approach blending these genres? After finishing the Conservatory, my challenge was to create music that combined different genres. I started with my first trio, where our sound was a fusion of rock, funk, and other genres. 

Then, I began learning about electronic music and playing synthesizers. I committed myself to daily study, not only of the piano and jazz harmony but also of sound manipulation with synthesizers. The challenge was to mesh these different approaches to music. 


I later played with a quartet and released an album with an artist named Andrea Cappi Multibox, titled “Eleven Tokens," which came out in 2022. 


The latest challenge has been playing as a duo. It's different because the roles in the music change, and I am the only player providing harmony notes. That is the most recent challenge for me. 


That sounds great! I love that you were courageous enough to learn something different, take on the challenge, and create your unique sound. Speaking of unique, your duo band name is "Varv." That's quite unique as well. How did you come up with that name? And can you tell me about the formation of the group and how it all came to be? The explanation of the name "Varv" is not simple. We wanted to provide an immediate image of environmental changes. A "varve" is the annual accumulation of sediment or sedimentary rock. 


We wanted to symbolize changes over time,not only in the environment but also within us as if they were two things that connect and influence each other. Another concept of the album is the relationship between humans and the environment. "Varv" represents this relationship between humans and the earth. 


Thank you for sharing that with me. Now, let's talk about your debut album, "Lowlands." Yes, it’s our territory. My land is a lowland called Pianura Padana in the north of Italy. We chose this name because of that. 


Thank you for sharing that with me. I’m learning so much about your beautiful country. Continuing our conversation about your new music, can you tell me about your new single, "Limestone"? “Limestone” started with a few notes on a kind of synth-piano and then suddenly changed shape . We wanted to have a sudden change of sound and create a layer on which the drummer, Francesco Mascolo, could do a solo. He is also a graduate in jazz drums from Mantua Conservatory and is a dynamic force in contemporary jazz and crossover music. He is also the co-founder of the SYNTAX 4et project. 


Basically, the song opens with a serene and melodic chord progression that gradually blossoms, drawing listeners into a mesmerizing soundscape with nuanced variations before surging into a dynamic second half propelled by robust and pulsating drumbeats. 


Furthermore, you can hear the gradual transformation of the synth-piano sound throughout the entire duration of the song, and the changes are great!   


Thank you. Can you tell me where your new music can be purchased and where people can find out more about you? Yes, our music is available at every digital store, and they can buy our album on the label’s website, "Off - Record," a record label in Brussels, Belgium. They can buy the album there. 


Awesome! And where can people see you perform live? They can visit Varv’s social networks (instagram or facebook) to discover all the information and updates about our project or they can visit my personal website ( to find out more about my music . 


Awesome! Andrea, I want to thank you again with all my heart for this interview. I really appreciate it. I look forward to sharing your beautiful musicianship and work with everyone. It is an honor and a privilege to speak with you today. My prayers are that God will continue to bless the works of your hand be it done in accordance with His will for your life. I pray that God will keep you and your family and friends safe during these times. I’m rooting for your success. Thank you once again, and God bless you.  

Thank you very much. 


You're welcome. Have a wonderful day. You too, Bye. 

The End of the Interview



Disclaimer: The Bible scriptures posted below by The Indie Post, taken from The New American Standard Version Bible Verse, are not the words of the above interviewee.

"John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him."

"Romans 10:9-13  9 [f]that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, [g]resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, [h]resulting in salvation.

11 For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE [i]PUT TO SHAME.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13for “EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.”
