"Unifying celebrities and independent artists on one platform, The Indie Post Magazine!"

Multi-Award Winning R&B Singer Tamika Scott, and Xscape Member, Serving Lots of Spice This Season!

 Interview by: Gina Sedman

Tamika Scott is a member of the Multi-Platinum R&B group Xscape. She is a singer, songwriter, producer, and actress - a true multi-talented artist! Besides being a phenomenal vocalist, she has showcased her acting skills in Tyler Perry's "Meet the Browns" live stage play and appeared in movies like "There's a Stranger in My House" and "Wide Open: The Andre Rison Story." Recently, she was cast in the romantic comedy available for streaming this coming November 30th on BET Plus called " The Christmas Ringer," where she played the role of "Cherise."

 She recently authored her cookbook, "Table Set Cooking with Tamika Scott: A Taste of the South in Your Mouth," and launched her own delicious seasoning collection, "Tamika Scott's Southern Fuse." Moreover, she has worked alongside many notable artists such as Anthony Hamilton, Musiq Soulchild, Yolanda Adams, and Tamela Mann, and has written for "The Mask" soundtrack, starring actor Jim Carrey. She wrote songs for "Who's That Man" and "Hardball," starring Keanu Reeves. She also has writing credits on "Traces of My Lipstick." In addition to being a star-studded vocalist, Tamika is also a loving, caring, and kind-hearted person who loves to cook! In our interview, she shared insights on her journey as a multi-talented artist and her passion for cooking. The following is what we discussed.

Hi Tamika, you're absolutely gorgeous.  Thank you. How are you doing today?

I'm wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today. I appreciate your willingness to share your life's journey with our readers. I have admired your velvety, smooth voice for years; it's gorgeous! Thank you. 

I must tell you, Tamika, “Xscape” has many fans in the UK. Thank you. We love the UK. Hopefully, we can make it over there soon. Tiny and I were discussing going overseas not too long ago.

That would be awesome! Tamika, what recent miracle has God performed for you? Girl, let me tell you, "He" woke me up this morning! I feel grateful for my life. I am healthy, not in the hospital, and I don't need an oxygen machine. I have all my limbs intact, and my senses are functioning correctly. These things are often taken for granted, but for me, they are blessings. Every morning when I wake up, I look up and say aloud, "Thank you, God, for another day!" It's a privilege to be alive and have the opportunity to continue working towards my goals. 

As a wife, mother, and grandma, I am truly blessed. In fact, we recently celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary, so my work is not done yet.

Well, happy anniversary to you! What a blessing! Thank you! November, for me, is a month of celebration. The anniversary of the day my husband and I met is in November, and the month of my birthday, November 19th. “Xscape Day,” the day we received the keys to the city in Atlanta, GA, is also this month. So, November is a great month for me, packed with celebration and fun.

Fabulous! What are you planning to do for your birthday? I don't know because I'm having a big Thanksgiving at my house. I will be cooking, having a DJ, bartender, and games.  I have invited many guests to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with us, like my husband and my family, friends, and a few of my industry friends. Therefore, these celebrations will be incorporated into the Thanksgiving gathering.

Wow! That's amazing! November is a fantastic month for you. Yes, and the very next day, I'm hosting a big brunch. So, I'll be doing quite a bit of cooking because cooking is my "love language." I love cooking, even more so than singing.

If you cook as well as you sing, your food must be incredible! Thank you.

My pleasure! What is your post-pandemic life-like, Tamika, and how have you been able to heal positively from the trauma of it? During the period before COVID, "Xscape," we were on a mini-tour and doing shows, so I was away from home quite often. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, I could spend more time with my children and grandchildren, which allowed me to devote my attention to them fully.

I also had the opportunity to write and create during that time. That's when I wrote my first cookbook, "Table Set Cooking with Tamika Scott: A Taste of the South in Your Mouth."   

During the pandemic, I began cooking daily and sharing my culinary creations on social media. My followers started asking for recipes and cooking tips, prompting me to message them back with guidance. My husband then suggested that I compile a cookbook, and that's when I decided to create "Table Set Cooking with Tamika Scott: A Taste of the South in Your Mouth."

Awesome! What types of recipes are in the book? The book includes recipes for desserts, adult beverages, and other delicious dishes. My favorite section is about foods that stimulate the libido. Each recipe has a story, making the book even more enjoyable. So, during the pandemic, I focused on creating my book and spending quality time with my family.

Tamika, I want to express how proud I am of you. It's truly amazing how you managed to turn a negative situation into something positive and fruitful. Your new book sounds fascinating, especially for a foodie like me. Besides cooking and singing, what do you consider to be your greatest strength? I would say, prayer. I find prayer helps keep me sane in this male-dominated industry. It helps me deal with different personalities and even family members, as everyone is different and thinks differently.

Prayer is a powerful weapon that helps me stay grounded amidst all life's challenges. Along with prayer, my family and children are my pillars of strength. I do everything I do for them because I've always felt like they didn't ask to be here. Because of that reason, it is my responsibility to ensure that I create a safe and secure environment for them, physically, mentally, and financially. It is important to me that they are provided for and that their needs are met.

Whenever I feel exhausted or sleep-deprived and have to wake up early at 3:00 am to go on the radio or catch a flight, I constantly remind myself of my kids and grandkids. Thinking of them gives me the strength to push myself further and keep going that extra mile.

That is awesome. What beautiful words coming from such a beautiful, loving, and giving heart. You are an incredible woman, a loving mother, and a devoted wife. Thank you for sharing that with me. Tamika, your positivity and inspiration are truly remarkable, but I couldn't help but wonder if anything weighs heavy on your heart at times despite your charitable nature and warm smile. Generally, I try not to let anything weigh me down. I'm the kind of person who wishes she could be "Miss Fixer Upper." If my friends call me, I'm always there. However, if I can't be there for them, or if I can't give myself 100% because I'm busy or out of town, missing birthdays or graduations, it weighs heavily on me. But every chance I get, I try to give my time, not just to my family but also to my friends, my family's friends, and even some of my coworkers. If anything ever weighs heavy on my heart, it's those things. 

 You have such a beautiful and giving heart. Clearly, you are one of those dependable people others can count on, which is truly remarkable. Your compassion for people is admirable, and the world could certainly use more people like you. As someone who cares so deeply about the happiness of others, what brings a smile to Tamika Scott's face? I love to see my friends achieve their goals and succeed at what they set out to do. Witnessing their happiness and fulfillment brings me joy. I'm a people person, so I enjoy engaging with others and asking questions to learn more about them. Seeing people live out their dreams and fulfill their destinies also makes me smile, whether they are friends or strangers.

 Tamika, I agree with you. Just like you, I love to see others succeed and be blessed. It's like unwrapping a gift on Christmas morning; it's exciting! I derive more satisfaction from seeing others blessed than anything else for myself. You're amazing! If you could travel back in time and speak to your younger self before entering the music industry, what precautions would you advise yourself to take now that you've been in the business for over 30 years? When I think back to my younger self at 16 or 17 years old, she wouldn't listen, so I wouldn't even waste my breath on her. So, if I could go back in time and talk to her, I wouldn't waste my breath giving her any advice. Instead, I'd tell her, "Girl, you'll figure it out. I know she will fall and get back up, and eventually, she will understand what I was trying to tell her. 

I was always hard-headed and never believed anything anyone said without fact-checking it myself. For example, if my husband locks the door and I leave the house, I will still go back and double-check to make sure it is locked, even if he tells me, it is. This is just part of my personality; I want to ensure things are correct. Looking back, I realize that my younger self learned a lot through trial and error. She had to see everything for herself and experience it firsthand to confirm its validity.

Therein lies wisdom's birthplace. Regardless of how you arrived there, the fact that you did is what matters. Now, you can pass that wisdom along to the younger generation. However, no matter how much you love them and want to shield them from making mistakes, it is through our mistakes that we grow and learn to become wise women, setting an example for those who follow us. Regarding being a checker, I understand because I am one myself. 

As a preacher's daughter myself, growing up in a Christian household and entering the music industry can be challenging, especially when it comes to embracing Christian values. What was your personal experience with this? Did you face any struggles or inner conflicts while trying to maintain your faith in a potentially secular environment? Oh, there were lots of struggles. When I was growing up, it seemed like everything we did, we were going to go to hell. If you chewed too hard, you would go to hell. We were afraid of a lot of stuff. 

The songs that Xscape sang then were like "Just Kickin' It." In the song, we are talking about kicking it with our friends, just real-life situations. It wasn't until our second album, when we started singing about "My Little Secret," that I thought, OK, yeah. After finalizing our deal, I was scared because we were very involved in the church. So, we returned to the church, and our pastor called us to the front, covered us, and prayed for us. They didn't judge us but instead prayed for us. We were told we would be in this world, but not to be of it.

Regarding the entertainment industry, we knew that we could be a light in the darkness. Throughout our time in this business, we've been able to help many individuals and make a positive impact on their lives. However, it's a challenging industry to be a part of. 

At the same time, I was concerned about what people would say. I worried that they would perceive me as a bad person. But, when you're only 16 or 17 years old, all you want to do is sing. We simply wanted to showcase our talent and sing about real-life situations. We never felt like we were hurting anybody by doing so.

I had to come to a point where I realized that having a relationship with Christ is more important than just following religion. Many people attend church and claim to be Christians, but they don't have a personal connection with Jesus Christ. When you have a relationship with Him, you carry His presence everywhere you go. It's not limited to just inside the church. The Holy Spirit resides in me and convicts me when I do something wrong, and I ask for forgiveness. It's a personal relationship with God, not just religious practice. As you said, we are called to go out into the world and spread the word, but at the same time, we are not to be of the world. 

 When we are young, we are bound to make mistakes. However, we must not condemn ourselves repeatedly. Instead, we should examine what The Lord is trying to teach us about what we have done wrong, repent, learn from our mistakes, and move forward. That's it. Our loving and forgiving God will always love and restore His children when we fall short. He is not a cruel God waiting for us to mess up, but a God who loves us deeply. For me, it is always His goodness that brings me to repentance. I know He loves me, and that's all that matters. Not even the mean, self-righteous church mothers can tell me otherwise (laughs). Some of them were so evil and did not represent the God that I serve. He is nothing like that. He is a loving and merciful God who is always ready to love and restore any repentant heart—all good stuff. When you're growing up and earning money at a young age, you do a lot of things, including spending without considering your future. We learned fast through trial and error.

So true. Thank you for that, Tamika. In your opinion, what are the challenges of being a woman in the entertainment industry compared to the challenges that men face? It is often more challenging for women in various ways. For instance, most men can wear jeans and a T-shirt, go on stage, take their shirt off, and receive a wild reaction from the women. However, if a woman were to wear the same outfit in a different city, people would say they have already seen it before. Due to this, women have to put in more effort to make an impression. They can sing their hearts out while running across the stage, but if a button pops off their clothes, that's all people will remember. To achieve the same results as men, women must work harder.

 Secondly, some men think they are smarter than women, so they are hesitant to listen to women's advice, but once they get around us and realize that we are intelligent women, they listen to us. Although it was difficult at first, we have now proved ourselves capable. We have been in the industry for 30 years, so people are listening now because they figure if we have been in business for that long, we must be doing something right. However, it was challenging in the beginning.

Yeah, exactly. There are a lot of people who unfairly accuse certain women in the industry of being divas. You never hear that with men, but it happens with women. And I always wonder, are they a diva or someone who believes in excellence? Some female artists have higher expectations than others, as some male artists do. However, why are only women labeled as divas? I think women who work tirelessly to excel in their careers, give their fans the best of themselves, and represent their brand well do not want to work with someone bossy, drunk, or high in a studio session. Nor do they want band members they hire for a live show to be unrehearsed and unprepared. Nobody in their right mind wants this.

Are you a diva for saying something about that? No, it proves that you respect yourself and set healthy boundaries. Having a team that does not meet an artist's excellent standards can be detrimental to their success. In my opinion, it is unfair to accuse women of being difficult or divas when they request excellence and respect. This is something I have noticed, and it breaks my heart. There has always been a double standard between the sexes, which must change. Both women and men deserve to be treated equally and respected for the hard work they put into creating a brand. Therefore, I am proud of Xscape for setting boundaries and holding a high standard for your group in this industry. Having confidence in who you are and whose you are is also part of it. It's important to distinguish between confidence and arrogance. Confidence is a positive trait that helps us achieve our goals. On the other hand, arrogance is when we start to believe that we're better than others. Being self-aware and secure in who we are is essential, without judging or mistreating others. With this balance, we can confidently pursue our goals without crossing into arrogance.

 Thank you for expressing your thoughts so eloquently. I appreciate our discussion on life. Moving on, I'm curious to know more about your journey to stardom as a member of Xscape. Could you briefly explain how you first became involved in music and rose to stardom? I began my musical journey in the church as I was a preacher's kid. My musical background comes from that experience. During my middle school years, I met "Tiny," and in high school, I met "Kandi." Latasha is my sister. Together, we formed Xscape and began performing in various talent shows. Eventually, we got the opportunity to sing for Jermaine Dupri. 

After we finished singing for Jermaine, he complimented us, said we were "dope," and said he would return for us. He mentioned that he was currently working with "Kris Kross," but assured us that he would come back for us once he was finished. And he kept his word - he signed us as the first act on his label, "So So Def Recordings." 

I’m impressed. It's rare to find people in the industry who have integrity and keep their promises. Despite this, it's refreshing to know that some individuals are still committed to moral principles and high character standards. As a result of his commitment to keeping his word, Xscape had a long, successful, and rewarding career. Tamika, your voice is simply amazing. It's a gift from God, and it's truly remarkable. Thank you.  

My pleasure! Performing and recording with a tight-knit group of sisters brings comfort and security because you can all cover and protect one another in this business. A solo project eventually became a reality for you. Did you find the decision challenging since you had to handle everything independently in the case of your solo recordings? And, at what point did you say to yourself, "I can do this"? How did you handle that transition? I believe this transition occurred after filming "SWV & Xscape: The Queens of R&B." It left me feeling a little down as I relived our whole story and everything we went through. However, I stumbled upon a positive song that uplifted my spirits. While watching the show, I realized that many of the things I have accomplished were not shown, such as my seasoning line and cookbook. Additionally, I manage my daughter, who is both an actress and rapper. Despite all the positive things I did, they were not highlighted in the show. 

During that time, I stumbled upon a song with the lyrics, "Can't no drama come our way, tonight, I'm gonna celebrate." This resonated with me and made me realize that if nobody else acknowledges and appreciates me, I should celebrate myself. I wanted to create a song with a positive message to remind people that even though we work hard and give of ourselves to others, we should also take care of ourselves and celebrate our own achievements. 

This song serves as a reminder to take a day to celebrate yourself. Don't worry about bills, kids, stress, or work. Tonight is all about you, and you deserve to celebrate.

 It was the push I needed to pursue my solo career. And having the blessings from my sisters in the group made it a lot easier for me to take the leap. They encouraged me to go ahead, and it meant a lot to me. Even though I'm focusing on my solo career, I'm still a part of Xscape, and we're still doing shows and touring together. I'm just “dibble dabbling” in my solo thing, but Xscape is the mansion.

Yes, I understand. However, pursuing your dreams is incredible. If there is something you want to accomplish, it is important to go for it. You will always have your family to support you, but it's equally crucial to follow your heart. It's perfectly fine to say, "I want to try this," because creativity knows no bounds. When a desire comes upon you, you must follow it. Thank you. 

You’re so welcome. Over the years, you've been blessed to share creative spaces with many talented artists in the business. Could you share a few of those experiences? I've done projects for Tyler Perry's movie. I’ve worked with Anthony Hamilton, Musiq Soulchild, Yolanda Adams, and Tamela Mann and I had an opportunity to write for “The Mask” soundtrack starring actor Jim, Carrey. I wrote some of the songs for “Who's That Man” and "Hardball” starring Keanu Reeves. I've written on “Traces of My Lipstick” too. So, I get my writing on.

 Yes, you have been blessed by God with many open doors. You are a talented vocalist, writer, and actress. In fact, you have already been a part of a few productions. Could you tell me more about your experience as an actor, Tamika? I played the role of Millet Jenay Baptiste-Brown on Tyler Perry's “Meet The Browns.” I also appeared on BET's “Stranger In My House,” and on November 30th, I will be in a Christmas movie called “The Christmas Ringer,” which will be available for streaming on BET Plus. 

 God is truly blessing you! Congratulations! Thank you.  

 You're welcome! Let's discuss your latest music. You released a song just before the pandemic called "Go Outside in the Rain." It's a beautiful song sung by your beautiful voice, and I love it! Speaking of which, you also have a new song out. Can you tell me more about it? I released an EP titled "Family Affair," which included the track "Go Outside In The Rain." The song performed well and reached #10 on the Billboard charts before the pandemic hit. Unfortunately, once the pandemic struck, everything disappeared.

 I garnered over 1 million views for my video on YouTube. It was a significant achievement for me and my daughter, O'Shun, who provided the background vocals for the song. Unfortunately, I didn't return to it after COVID-19 emerged and disrupted everything.

As far as I am concerned, everyone in the world was traumatized by that experience in one way or another. On the flip side, you have an incredibly talented and supportive family! Thank you. Yes, my family's so gifted. One of the songs on the “Family Affair” EP is called “Reflection,” which has me, O’Shun, and my other daughter, "Young Niyah” who raps. She's so official! But, “Go Outside In The Rain” is a song about heartbreak. My group, Xscape, used to sing and win talent shows with it. 

Therefore, I wanted to pay tribute to Melira, the original singer, by doing a remake of that song. Having her approval made me feel like I did a great job since she gave me a thumbs up and wrote something on my page like, "This is really great."

As far as her approval and thumbs-up go, I agree! Did you think she would not like your beautiful voice? Your cover of her song is professional, skilled, gifted, and on point. You are a vocal giant. Indeed, she was proud of it. Ms. Tamika, you're amazing, I'm telling you! You did an excellent job, my dear! Thank you.  

 Where can your music be purchased? My music can be purchased and streamed on all digital platforms, including Spotify and Apple Music.

 Awesome, and you also have a new single out. You are on a roll. Tell us about it. Well, my new single is called “Tonight” with "Method Man,” make sure you pick that one up as well. 

What is your song about? “Tonight” is an inspirational song about celebrating oneself. M.E.T.H.O.D from New York is featured on the track.

 Ms. Tamika, to get that many views amid one of the most challenging moments in world history speaks volumes about your talent. Thank you. 

You're welcome! Let's talk about your cooking talent. You have a cookbook called "Table Set Cooking With Tamika Scott: A Taste of the South in Your Mouth." As someone who suffers from lupus, I follow a pescatarian diet to keep the inflammation in my body under control. What is your favorite recipe from the book, and do you have any delicious vegan recipes in your cookbook? Yes, I have a range of mouth-watering vegetable recipes, such as my collard greens, spinach, squash casserole, broccoli, and string beans. I also have my delicious "Smackin' Mackin' Macaroni and Cheese" recipe that you'll love. Everything you can think of is in there!

 In the cookbook, you will find my carrots and honey-glazed carrots recipe. The book is filled with a wide range of delicious and healthy foods that are simple to prepare. In addition, if you have a sweet tooth, a variety of delectable dessert recipes are also included.

 Tamika, your recipes sound delicious! I also appreciate that they can be easily adapted for those who follow a vegan diet due to health concerns. Would it be correct to say that one could substitute the cheese you use with a vegan alternative? Yes, my daughter is currently not eating meat, so I prepared orange chicken made from tofu, which tastes just like the real thing but is not chicken. I also have a few delicious fish recipes for pescatarians, such as my seared red snapper. However, my recipe book is filled with excellent options that cater to not only meat-eaters but also vegans, vegetarians, and pescatarians. I have something for everyone.

Tamika, that's great! I'm so proud of you! You also have seasonings that are a perfect pairing with your cookbook. Can you tell me about those? Yes, all of my seasonings are gluten-free, vegan-friendly, and free of preservatives. Instead of using regular table salt, I opted for a healthier option - a little bit of pink Himalayan salt. My collection of seasonings includes poultry seasoning, seafood seasoning, and a vegan-friendly beef seasoning for those who want to add a beef flavor to their food. It's also perfect for making gravy.

 I also have a Cajun seasoning, which has a blend of blackened and Cajun spices. It's like an infusion of spices where you get the spice with the blackness in it! The collection also includes Tamika Scott BBQ seasoning and an all-purpose seasoning that is always in high demand. 

 People swear by my vegetable seasoning, saying they can't make dishes like collard greens, string beans, or cabbage without it. Also included in the collection is a sweetener I use in my coffee, baked beans, and for grilling my sweet and spicy salmon. It's a versatile sweetener that can also be used in yams (sweet potatoes) and even French toast. The options are limitless.

 Ok, Ms. Tamika Scott, you're making me hungry. Your spices sound delicious, all of them. Where can they be purchased? You can order “Tamika Scott's Southern Fuse” from and enjoy the taste of the South in your mouth.

 Are you planning to open a restaurant soon? Yes, it's coming.  

 Tamika, I'm looking forward to seeing that happen. Rather than just one restaurant in Atlanta, I would love to see a chain that spans the country. Even in the UK, your cooking will be well received. That's my faith, so I'm saying that. I can hardly wait to see you cut in the red ribbon, and I'll be rooting for you from the UK, saying, "I'm so proud of her." I'll be like you when great things happen for your friends, but this time, it will be your time for the enormous blessing! Awe, thank you!

 You're welcome! That has to come next. Thank you for that. I am determined to be hands-on when it comes to opening my restaurant. While hiring a general manager and executive chef may be easier, I want to be present and involved with my employees. By being present, I can better understand what they are going through and experience their daily challenges firsthand. My passion for this project drives me to invest my time and energy into it, and I'm excited to see it come to fruition. While the restaurant is still in the making, I am dedicated to being there every step of the way.

Your glamorous, kind, and hospitable personality will be reflected in the atmosphere, and people will love it and you for that! They will be greeted with beautiful smiles and wonderfulness, making their dining experience unforgettable! Awe, thank you. 

Thank you, Ms. Scott, for your time and graciousness. I appreciate it. As we wrap up, many independent artists struggle to make it in this industry. Your insights and experience can be invaluable to them. Could you share some words of wisdom, inspiration, and encouragement for our readers? I recommend learning the business if you aspire to be in the entertainment industry. There are numerous books available on the subject that you can read. If you're interested in working in a studio, try contacting a local studio and express your desire to learn how to produce music. Ask if you can sit in on a session to gain hands-on experience.

 One way to gain valuable experience is by interning at a radio station or a record label. Hands-on training is essential in this field. Also, it is crucial to keep your vision to yourself and not share it with everyone. There will always be people who are not supportive and may even pray against your goals. Remember, your vision is unique; not everyone will see it as you do. So, keep your vision close to your heart and work towards it with dedication and perseverance. 

Stay committed to your goal and work daily to achieve your dreams. Whether you want to be a songwriter, musician, or anything else, you must keep pushing yourself and never give up. If you can't come up with new ideas, create a melody and record it on your phone. Remember, success takes time and effort, so be patient and stay focused on your passion.  

It is also important to have a backup plan to finance your dreams until they become profitable. Many people believe that getting signed means instant wealth, but that is not always the case. You must have a steady income until you start selling records or achieving success in your field. Above all, have faith in yourself and trust that God will guide you towards your purpose. Stay positive and work hard, and you will achieve your dreams.


That is such a wise and beautiful statement. All good stuff! I want to express my gratitude to you, talented and lovely Ms. Tamika Scott, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in this interview. I understand that time is a valuable commodity, so I appreciate you spending it with me today. Thank you for sharing insightful advice and bringing joy and encouragement to the readers who will come across this article.

As I conclude my prayer, I ask that God blesses the works of your hands according to His will for your life. May He send wonderful, well-intentioned, and supportive people into your life who will have your best interests at heart. May they show you agape love that flows from a pure heart without any strings attached or conditions. I also pray that God will protect you, your beautiful family, and your group of sisters and keep all of you safe in these trying times we live in. Congratulations on following your dreams and achieving so much success over the years. It has been an honor and a pleasure to know you. Thank you so much, Gina, you are the best.

 Well, I think you are the best, and I thank you for allowing me to serve you. God put me on this Earth to serve and to be a blessing, and that's what I live for. We're not going to be on this Earth forever. We will all stand before the Lord one day and answer for how we treat others. A principle I live by is, "What is the point of living a life if it cannot serve someone other than oneself?" Based on our conversation, I understand that you live your life to be a blessing to others. I believe that your selflessness will bring blessings into your life as well. Keep shining your light and remain faithful to God, and you will continue to be blessed. Thank you again. Have the best day ever!  You, too, thank you.



Disclaimer: The Bible scriptures posted below by The Indie Post, taken from The New American Standard Version Bible Verse, are not the words of the above interviewee.

"John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him."

"Romans 10:9-13  9 [f]that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, [g]resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, [h]resulting in salvation.

11 For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE [i]PUT TO SHAME.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13for “EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.”
